Saturday, May 30, 2009

Crap, I'm getting older...

Lately I have been preparing myself for my upcoming birthday. I am turning 27... 27! I am getting old! It's forcing a very real fact in my face that I need to do something my life other than "put it off till next year." I don't want to settle for things that get me by b/c they make sense right now. That's how people give up their dreams and settle for what they have and the next thing they know, they are turning 40 and forgot how to get enjoyment out of life. This is one of the perks of having a lot of time to think. You are able to the root of your desires and plan instead of wondering what you are going to do when you grow up. I'm turning 27, how much more growing up do I have left?!!

I have also been aware of what is coming next year as well. Next year sometime will be my 10 year reunion. I haven't even finished my 2 year degree! I know that I will not be the sadest case but I still would like to be able to throw my accomplishments in the faces of all the cool or popular kids from school! But I think we all want to be able to do that... what should I be any different?