Saturday, June 6, 2009

Finding my own piece of peace

This deployment has a different tone compared to my last couple I have been on. Here we are waiting to react to something rather than making it happen. This leaves a lot of time for people like me who get bored with routines to get a little stir crazy. There is one place that I have found that offers me an outlet of creativity that seems to be my own. It's the self help shop where you can make what ever you can imagine and I have not heard of any other people from my unit going there to escape the routine of day to day life here. I hope to keep enjoying that luxury for a while! It gives me a sense of accomplishment, creating something of my own with my own hands. Who doesn't like seeing something that they worked hard on turn out to be a finished product? My own personal Zen... The only way that I can explain it.

We all need to have something that separates us from everyone else. This is especially important when we all wear the same uniforms, eat the same foods, have the same everything else basically! Without a sense of separation from others, we might as well be robots. And everyone knows that robots are not as cool as people think they are!

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